Printing On Clay

Waxed paper with background colour.png
Wax paper with coloured background.png
Wax paper, plain background.png
Rice paper..png

My tag is “The Clay Is My Canvas” and I am always thinking about different ways to paint / decorate my clay works. Lately I have been experimenting with printing onto the clay using the easiest way possible. My experiments use as many different types of paper I can find. Some suggestions say that parchment paper works. I have not been able to locate any as yet. Rice paper does work but the image when printed on is not very pronounced. I am playing with decals on the raw clay, but feel that I may have issue,s of shrinking clay and no shrinking of the decals. I shall fire these examples when they are dry and post my results. Fingers crossed.


Wee Waxeye Bird


Marilyn chats…